Serendipity, the occurrence and development of events by chance in a happy or beneficial way.
Part of this process is serendipity, or in other words, allowing the process to be identified as such. Allowing for chance finds, and accepting that what is found is not necessarily what was being looked for.
Serendipity blessings, when someone accidentally finds something “good”.
How many times has happened to you?
You know while walking on the street, maybe, while walking your dog, at the park, suddenly you look down, almost if someone inside your head asked you to look down, whispered.
And when you do, the surprise is almost an extra-terrestrial experience.
The adrenaline start to build up, your hands start sweating, because, you found something, that probably belonged to someone else, and now is yours, you probably don’t even need it, however, you slowly get down on the soil, you almost feel guilty, you turn around, making sure that anybody is watching you, you take a last look and rapidly, you hold on tight to the object that you have found on the floor.
The serendipity effect is like a placebo effect, and our duty in this life is to be selective.
Sometimes we found ourselves, or accidentally, or not, in that same situation, nowadays we all are focused on one thing.
Gain more!
Gain more money, followers, likes, comments, it’s almost if our lives are spinning around an algorithm.
When did we stop having fun?
When did we stop looking up, instead of looking down?
When did we stop chasing what is really important?
The serendipity side of this story is this, let’s be frank, you probably don’t need that specific item, maybe you don’t even need to read this blog, however somehow you found it, and like a beam of light in cloudy day, the serendipity effect is fully operational.
Be selective, don’t follow something for the sake of it.
Be your own serendipity effect.

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