Ashley is a very beautiful woman, since her young age, she was a brilliant pretty young lady.
Mrs Katrina used to say:
“A promising young woman”.
Ashley is a strong woman now, who had to face many obstacles, nothing was never easy for her.
There are no words to describe how strong Ashely is…
If there was just someone on her side, reminding that to her.
Ashley wanted to give up, so many times, believing it was a struggle.
The love for Joshua drove her, always pushing, never stop looking for him, even though, at some point, they lived in the same neighbourhood.
Sometimes Ashley used to whisper in the dark hoping that, himself Joshua, would appear out of the darkness and hug her little tiny pretty body.
She has only few memories left of her little twin brother, Ashely started to forget his facial features, his beautiful green eyes, Ashley would do anything to hug him again.
Sadness became anger.
Anger became hate.
Hate changed her heart into someone more than just a ‘promising young woman’.
Her blood is boiling in her veins.
Hope in her heart

Fire in her eyes

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