I often bring my baby flowers, and ponder on what kind of father I would have been.
But I know that I would have been just great, my little boy would have grown up surrounded by love.
The beauty of his childhood stolen, I will never see the man he could have been in life.
I would have taught him all that I know, but would let him free to fly with his own wings and mind.
When he crashed I would always be there, to pick up all the broken pieces and say, “Be Strong”.
Yes, I would have been a good father, to this sweet little boy who never knew what love really is.
Yes, I would be there to dry all his warm tears, I wouldn’t ask him to stop crying, I would wait, holding his little soft hand, wait until he stops.
Yes, I would have waited until he was ready to tell me his pain.
I would have been a great father, yes, because I would have carried those stones, that pain, that suffering, with me.
If I only had the chance to be is father.

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